

Wildlife Conservation as Fundamental and Applied Science, and Human Society

The Carnivore Ecology and Conservation Research Group (CARNECCO) was established in August 2012, from roots in the Laboratory of Nature Conservation (LNC) founded in 1966 at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT). The mission of LNC was to research

1) Fundamental biological mechanisms such as ecology, evolution, animal behaviour etc,
2) Apply these findings to the relationship between wildlife and human society

In addition to the core LNC’s mission, recent increases in the global human population, with ever greater unbanisation has highlighted the imperative need for Japan to establish itself as a leader in nature conservation issues in Asia. CARNECCO focusing primarily on the “conservation” of wild mammals to:
3) Protect native species from extinction and population degradation, caused by human exploitation of wild mammals and due to problems with introduced invasive species
4) Prevent habitat destruction caused by human activity, especially in urban/suburb areas, and
5) Take actions to inform environmental policy, conservation, and education programmes

NHK シチズンラボ「タヌキ大調査!」