Molecular phylogeography and haplogrouping of the brown bear (Ursus arctos), based on analyses of the complete mitochondrial DNA sequences. Molecular Biology and Evolution. doi: 10.1093/molbev/mst077 (Hirata, D., Mano, T., Abramov, A.V., Baryshnikov, G. F., Kosintsev, P., Vorobiev, A., Raichev, E., Tsunoda, H., Kaneko, Y., Murata, K., Fukui, D., Masuda, R. Peer-reviewed paper, 2013) Current IF=9.5
ミトコンドリアゲノムに基づくヒグマの系統進化とハプログループの解析Abramov, A., Baryshinikov, G., Kosintsev, P., Vorobiev, A., Raichev, E., 角田裕志、金子弥生、村田浩一、増田隆一.日本哺乳類学会2012年度大会.ポスター発表 2012)
The circadian activity pattern of sympatric forest mammals in central Japan. Joint Meeting of the 59th Annual Meeting of ESJ & the 5th EAFES International Congress (Hoshino, L., Fujita, T., Kaneko, Y. poster presentation 2012)