イタチ科 (Mustelidae)


Okawara, Y., T. Sekiguchi, A. Ikeda, Miura, S., H. Sasaki, T. Fujii, and Kaneko, Y. 2014. Food habits of the urban Japanese weasels Mustela itatsi revealed by faecal DNA analysis: implication for river conservation (in press)  Mammal Study.

Notes on winter stomach contents of the stone marten (Martes foina) in the Balkan Mountains, central Bulgaria. ZooNotes 56: 1-6. (Hisano, M., Raichev, E G., Peeva, S., Georgiev, D., Tsunoda, H., Masuda, R., and Kaneko, Y. peer-reviewed paper)

The socio-spatial dynamics of the Japanese badger (Meles anakuma). 2014. Journal of Mammalogy 95(2): 290-300. (Kaneko, Y., Kanda, E., Tashima, S., Masuda, R., Newman, C., and Macdonald, D. W., peer-reviewed paper)  ISI Journal Citation Reports Rankings 24/149-Zoology

Winter diet of the stone marten (Martes foina) in centaral Bulgaria. 2013. Mammal Study 38: 293-298. (Hisano, M., Raichev, E.G., Tsunoda, H., Masuda, R., and Kaneko, Y. peer-reviewed paper)

Notes on stomach contents of Japanese weasels (Mustela itatsi) in Ibaraki, Japan. 2013. Mammal Study 38: 281-285. (Kaneko, Y., Yamazaki, K., Watanabe, S., Kanesawa, A., and Sasaki, H. peer-reviewed paper) 

 都市部に生息するニホンアナグマ (Meles anakuma) の食性と行動 (上遠岳彦・小林沙耶・小林翔平・川島美菜・金子弥生.日本哺乳類学会2013年度大会.岡山理科大学.ポスター発表 2013)

Is the hog badger specialist or generalist? Seasonal change of food habits in central China. (Zhou, Y., Kaneko, Y., Newman, C., Buesching, C., Macdonald, D.W. 11th International Mammalogical Congress, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. 11-16th August 2013. Oral presentation 2013)

Is the hog badger specialist or generalist? Seasonal change of food habits in central China. (Zhou, Y., Kaneko, Y., Newman, C., Buesching, C., Macdonald, D.W. 11th International Mammalogical Congress, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. 11-16th August 2013. Oral presentation 2013) 

 Sexual differences on winter diet of the stone marten (Martes foina) in central Bulgaria. (Hisano, M., Raichev, E.G., Tsunoda, H., Masuda, R., Kaneko, Y., 11th International Mammalogical Congress, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK. 11-16th August 2013. Poster presentation 2013)  

Economic exploitation of badgers in Japan, southern China, and South Korea. (Kaneko, Y., Zhou, Y., Han, S., Chen, J., Zeng, Y., Zhang, M., Lo, Y., Lau, M., Newman, C., Buesching, C., Macdonald, D. W. Wild Musteloid Conference, Oxford, UK. Oral presentation 2013)

Preliminary study on microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA variation of the stone marten Martes foina in Bulgaria. Mammal Study 37: 353-358. 2012. (Nagai, T. Raichev, E. G., Tsunoda, H., Kaneko, Y., and Masuda., R. peer-reviewed paper) 

東京農工大学フィールドミュージアム多摩丘陵における中型哺乳類相.2012. フィールドサイエンス9: 47-52. (角田裕志・梶 光一・金子弥生. 学内査読)

東京農工大学フィールドミュージアム多摩丘陵で捕獲されたホンドタヌキとニホンアナグマの体サイズ.2012.フィールドサイエンス10: 23-26. (蔵本洋介・金子弥生. 学内査読)

東京の都市部に生息するニホンアナグマ (Meles anakuma)の行動生態 (上遠岳彦、小林翔平、小林咲耶、大原尚之、森夕貴、坂本浩子、菅原鮎実、金子弥生.日本哺乳類学会2012年度大会.ポスター発表 2012

中国南部の国境自然保護区と大都市における野生哺乳類の経済的利用状況(曾英子、周友兵、張明霞、陳金平、金子弥生.日本哺乳類学会2012年度大会.ポスター発表 2012

The circadian activity pattern of sympatric forest mammals in central Japan. Joint Meeting of the 59th Annual Meeting of ESJ & the 5th EAFES International Congress Hoshino, L., Fujita,T., Kaneko, Y., poster presentation 2012

Biogeographical patterns in the diet of genus Martes across the Holarctic region: factors affecting trophic diversity. 2011. Journal of Biogeography 38: 137-147. (Zhou, Y., Newman, C., Buesching, C. D., Zalewski, A., Kaneko, Y., Macdonald, D. W. and Xie, Z. Q. peer-reviewed paper)

Phylogeographic sympatry and isolation of the Eurasian badgers (Meles, Mustelidae, Carnivora): implication for an alternative analysis using maternally as well as paternally inherited genes. 2011. Zoological Science 28(4): 293-303. (Tashima, S., Kaneko, Y., Anezaki, T., Baba, M., Yachimori, S., Abramov, A. V., Saveljev, A. P., and Masuda, R. peer-reviewed paper)

Identification and molecular variations of CAN-SINEs from the ZFY gene final intron of the Eurasian badgers (genus Meles). 2011. Mammal Study 36: 41-48. (Tashima, S., Kaneko, Y., Anezaki, T., Baba, M., Yachimori, S., Abramov, A. V., Saveljev, A. P., and Masuda, R. peer-reviewed paper)

Diet of an opportunistically frugivorous carnivore, Martes flavigula, in subtropical forest. 2011. Journal of Mammalogy 92(3): 611-619. (Zhou, Y. B., Newman, C., Buesching, C. D., Zalewski, A., Kaneko, Y. Macdonald, D.W, and Xie, Z. peer-reviewed paper)

Contrasting sociality in two widespread, generalist, mustelid genera, Meles and Martes. 2011.  Mammal Study 36: 169-188.  (Newman, C., Zhou, Y., Buesching, C. D., Kaneko, Y. and Macdonald, D.W. peer-reviewed paper, 2011 Best Paper Award from Japanese Mammal Society

Olfactory speciation and latrine use in badgers spp. (Yayoi Kaneko, Yosuke Kuramoto, Sonoko Kosuga, Christina D. Buesching29th European Mustelid Colloquium, oral presentation 2011)  


フンDNAを用いた種判定・性判定による、多摩川中流域におけるニホンイタチ (Mustela itatsi) の生息状況 (大河原陽子、関口猛、池田綾、藤井猛、金子弥生.日本哺乳類学会2011年度大会.2011 優秀ポスター賞

 ニホンアナグマMeles anakumaの臭腺分泌物の化学成分.(金子弥生、蔵本洋介、小菅園子、Christina D. Buesching.日本哺乳類学会2011年度大会)

Ranging and activity patterns of the group-living ferret badger Melogale moschata in central China. 2010. Journal of Mammalogy 91:101-108. USA. (Zhang, L., Zhou Y., Newman, C., Kaneko, Y., Pingping, J., Ding, P. peer-reviewed paper)